Chemical Elements List 📃🧪

chemical elements

118 Chemical Elements List 📃 Chemical Element Names 🧪 & Symbols ⚛️

All 118 chemical elements list, as included in the periodic table of chemical elements, with chemical symbol and classification. Also includes key facts and history of all chemical elements.

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Chemical Elements Sym Classification State @ 20°C/68F Atomic No: Atomic Weight u Melting Point °C Boiling Point °C Discoverer/s 🧑🏼‍🔬👩🏽‍🔬 Year discovered
Hydrogen H Non-metal gas 1 1.008 -259.1 -252.9 Henry Cavendish 1766
Helium He Noble gas gas 2 4.0026 -272.2 -268.9 Ramsay, Crookes, Cleve, Langlet 1895
Lithium Li Alkali metal solid 3 6.941 180.5 1,342 Johan August Arfwedson 1817
Beryllium Be Alkali earth metal solid 4 9.012 1,278 2,970 Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin 1797
Boron B Metalloid solid 5 10.811 2,300 2,550 Humphry Davy and J. Gay-Lussac 1808
Carbon C Non-metal solid 6 12.011 3,550 4,827 Unknown. unknown
Nitrogen N Non-metal gas 7 14.007 -209,9 -195.8 Daniel Rutherford and Carl Wilhelm Scheele 1771/72
Oxygen O Non-metal gas 8 15.999 -218.4 -182.9 Carl W Scheele and Joseph Priestley 1774
Fluorine F Halogen gas 9 18.998 -219.6 -188.1 Henri Moissan 1886
Neon Ne Noble gas gas 10 20.1797 -248.7 -246.1 William Ramsay & Morris Travers 1898
Sodium Na Alkali metal solid 11 22.990 97.8 892 Humphry Davy 1807
Magnesium Mg Alkali earth metal solid 12 24.305 648.8 1,107 Humphry Davy 1808
Aluminum (US)

Aluminium (UK)


See also: Periodic Table… | List of Fundamental Physical Constants… | List of Units of Measurement…

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