What You Need to Know About Criminal Damage to Property in Illinois

Criminal Damage

Keying the car of someone who angered you - Leaving a foul-smelling substance in a co-worker’s office - Breaking off a piece of your neighbor’s fence. All of these are examples of criminal damage to property, and while they might seem like small annoyances to some, they can lead to serious consequences if the person who owned that property decides to file a lawsuit or pursue criminal charges. Here is what you need to know about criminal damage to property in Illinois, so you can avoid finding yourself in that situation.

Defining Damage to Property

There is no single definition of criminal damage to property, as Illinois Statutes 5/21-1 lists several acts that count as committing this offense. Among the many possible acts of criminal damage, circumstances include when one:

The Consequences

Under the laws of Illinois, criminal damage to property may be a relatively minor misdemeanor or a serious felony. The courts determine the severity of a sentence for this offense based upon the value of the property that was damaged:

Different penalties can be sentenced for this charge depending on the type of property that is damaged. If you cause any damage to anything used for fighting fires - such as a hydrant, a fire hose, or a fire engine - you can face a Class B Misdemeanor, technically the lowest possible penalty for criminal damage to property. This sentence carries a maximum of 6 months in jail and $1,500 in fines.

On the other end of the spectrum, you can receive higher penalties if you damage “property of a school or place of worship or to farm equipment or immovable items of agricultural production.” This also applies to any property that “memorializes or honors” anyone in the police force, fire-fighting force, or Armed Forces. If convicted for any of these offenses, the severity of your sentence will be one level higher than if the damage had been done to any other kind of property.

For example, this means that if someone causes less than $300 in damages to farm equipment, it would jump from a Class A Misdemeanor to a Class 4 Felony, a shift that might mean a significant increase in the fine that needs to be paid and the prison time that needs to be served. Someone who commits more than $100,000 in damages to a church may face not a Class 2 Felony, but a Class 1 felony - the highest class of penalty for criminal damage to property. Instead of serving between 3 and 7 years in prison, the accused might have to serve between 4 and 15.

Criminal damage to property is not a charge to be taken lightly, and it’s always best to have an experienced Chicago criminal damage attorney at your side. If you or a loved one is seeking legal representation or advice, the criminal defense attorneys at Mitchell S. Sexner and Associates LLC are ready and able to assist you. Call us at (312) 644-0444 for a free consultation today.


This entry was posted on May 27,2018

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