Creating an Outsourcing Agreement

Outsourcing agreements are an essential part of the modern business landscape - understanding why they’re important and how to create them is vital. The Genie AI team understands that a sound and mutually beneficial agreement is key for any successful business.

An outsourcing agreement is a contract between two parties - this could be a business, individual or another company - which outlines the duties, services and responsibilities of each party. It also specifies payment terms, and other relevant terms that both sides must agree upon before proceeding. Having all of these details in writing ensures that everyone knows what’s expected from them, while providing legal protection should any issues arise further down the line.

For businesses looking to outsource, there are numerous advantages to having an outsourcing agreement in place, such as reducing costs by delegating certain tasks or skills to third-party providers; freeing up resources that would otherwise be unavailable or expensive; and focusing on core competencies rather than struggling with outside work. Crucially, it also adds an additional layer of legal protection should anything unforeseen occur during the duration of the agreement.

When creating your own outsourcing agreement there are a few steps you must take: firstly defining what services will be provided; outlining roles and responsibilities; including payment terms; and ensuring all parties have signed off on it legally. This isn’t something you should attempt alone however - seeking expert advice from those familiar with producing outsourcing agreements will help ensure everything runs smoothly for both parties involved in the arrangement.

Creating an effective outsourcing agreement can prove complex without proper guidance - luckily here at Genie AI we provide free templates for crafting high-quality documents without needing a lawyer! That being said expertise does still play an important role when deciding on exact terms, so don’t forget to seek out qualified professionals if need be.

In conclusion, having an effective outsourcing agreement in place is essential for any business’ success - understanding why they matter and how to create them is key if you’re looking to outsource your tasks or services successfully. Here at Genie AI we believe with our template library everyone can draft customised documents quickly with ease! To read more about our step-by-step guidance and find out how to access our templates today click below!


Scope of Agreement - A description of the services and outcomes that will be provided under the agreement.
Subcontracting - When a party hires another party to do a part of the work that was previously agreed upon.
Payment Terms - The amount of money to be paid and the schedule of when it should be paid.
Deadlines - A specific date or time by which a task should be completed.
Confidentiality Clause - A legally binding agreement to keep certain information private.
Liability - Responsibility for any damages or losses that occur during the agreement.
Intellectual Property Rights - The legal rights to control use and distribution of creative work, such as a logo or website.
Termination or Amendment Procedures - A legally binding agreement that outlines how the agreement can be ended or changed.
Arbitration - A legal process used to settle a dispute.
Governing Law - The laws or legal system that governs the agreement.


  1. Identifying the scope of the agreement
  2. Defining the scope of services to be provided
  3. Establishing the duration of the agreement
  4. Defining the geographical area in which the services will be provided
  5. Defining the roles and responsibilities of both parties
  6. Identifying who is responsible for what tasks
  7. Clarifying any subcontracting arrangements
  8. Establishing payment terms
  9. Defining the payment amount and schedule
  10. Setting out any additional charges
  11. Establishing any late payment fees
  12. Setting timelines for completion of the services
  13. Specifying the completion timeline for each task
  14. Outlining any deadlines for review/approval by either party
  15. Outlining confidentiality clauses
  16. Agreeing to maintain each other’s confidential information
  17. Identifying any exceptions to the confidentiality clause (if any)
  18. Discussing potential liabilities and risk management
  19. Clarifying who is responsible for any damages or losses
  20. Identifying any insurance requirements for either party
  21. Defining ownership and intellectual property rights
  22. Clarifying who will own the copyright of the deliverables
  23. Outlining the use of third party materials and who will own the rights
  24. Establishing termination or amendment procedures
  25. Defining how the agreement can be terminated or amended
  26. Outlining the notice periods and methods of communication
  27. Creating an arbitration clause
  28. Specifying the arbitration process to be followed
  29. Identifying the governing law
  30. Signing the agreement
  31. Specifying who will be signing the agreement
  32. Establishing the method of signature (electronic or physical)

Get started

Identifying the scope of the agreement

When this step is completed, you can check it off your list and move on to the next step.

Defining the scope of services to be provided

Establishing the duration of the agreement

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when both parties have agreed on the duration of the agreement and it has been documented in the contract and confirmed in writing.

Defining the geographical area in which the services will be provided

Once all information is confirmed, you can check this off your list and move onto the next step of defining the roles and responsibilities of both parties.

Defining the roles and responsibilities of both parties

Once all the roles and responsibilities of both parties have been clearly defined and agreed upon, you can move on to the next step.

Identifying who is responsible for what tasks

Clarifying any subcontracting arrangements

Establishing payment terms

Defining the payment amount and schedule

Setting out any additional charges

Establishing any late payment fees

Setting timelines for completion of the services

Specifying the completion timeline for each task

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Outlining any deadlines for review/approval by either party

Outlining confidentiality clauses

You’ll know you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step once you have both parties’ signatures and dates on the agreement.

Agreeing to maintain each other’s confidential information

When you have completed these steps, you can move on to the next step of identifying any exceptions to the confidentiality clause (if any).

Identifying any exceptions to the confidentiality clause (if any)

Discussing potential liabilities and risk management

Once you have discussed potential liabilities and risk management, you can move on to the next step: clarifying who is responsible for any damages or losses.

Clarifying who is responsible for any damages or losses

Identifying any insurance requirements for either party

Defining ownership and intellectual property rights

Clarifying who will own the copyright of the deliverables

Once all parties have agreed to the terms and conditions of the copyright ownership, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Outlining the use of third party materials and who will own the rights

Establishing termination or amendment procedures

Defining how the agreement can be terminated or amended

Once all of the above points have been addressed and agreed upon, you can then move on to outlining the notice periods and methods of communication.

Outlining the notice periods and methods of communication

Once you have completed these steps, you can check this step off your list and move on to creating an arbitration clause.

Creating an arbitration clause

Specifying the arbitration process to be followed

You can check this step off your list when all the details of the arbitration process have been added to the agreement.

Identifying the governing law

Signing the agreement

Specifying who will be signing the agreement

Establishing the method of signature (electronic or physical)


Q: What is an outsourcing agreement?

Asked by Megan on June 15th 2022.
A: An outsourcing agreement is a legally binding contract between two or more parties that specifies the terms of an arrangement in which one party agrees to provide services (outsourcing services) to the other party. The agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party. It might include details such as the obligations of the outsourcer, the responsibilities of the parties, the quality of services, payment terms, and any other terms and conditions.

Q: What are some important clauses that should be included in an outsourcing agreement?

Asked by Sarah on March 4th 2022.
A: When creating an outsourcing agreement, there are certain clauses that should be included for the benefit of both parties. This includes the scope of services and any related deliverables, payment terms, confidentiality provisions, dispute resolution provisions, intellectual property transfer provisions, termination provisions, and other relevant legal clauses.

Q: How do UK vs USA vs EU jurisdictions differ when it comes to outsourcing agreements?

Asked by Christopher on August 5th 2022.
A: The laws governing outsourcing agreements in different jurisdictions may differ in terms of their requirements for formation and enforcement. In the UK, most agreements will be subject to English law and must comply with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. In the US, different states have varying laws governing contracts and agreements, so it is important to research these differences before entering into any agreement. In the EU, different countries have their own laws that govern contracts and agreements; however, under EU rules, all agreements are subject to applicable European Union law.

Q: What should a business consider before entering into an outsourcing agreement?

Asked by David on January 14th 2022.
A: Before entering into an outsourcing agreement, businesses should consider a number of factors such as the provider’s reputation and expertise in their field; what services the provider is offering; how much it will cost; how long it will take for the provider to complete their services; any potential risks associated with entering into an agreement; whether there are any existing legal obligations or restrictions that could affect performance; and finally, if there are any available alternatives that could be more cost-effective or better suited for your needs.

Q: What should I do if I need to amend or cancel an existing outsourcing agreement?

Asked by Matthew on November 9th 2022.
A: If you need to amend or cancel an existing outsourcing agreement, you should first review the original contract in detail to ensure that you understand all of its terms and conditions. You should then contact your provider to negotiate any changes or cancellation terms and confirm them in writing. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your provider then you may wish to seek legal advice in order to understand your rights and obligations under applicable law.

Q: How can I ensure my data is protected when outsourcing services?

Asked by John on April 11th 2022.
A: When entering into an outsourcing agreement, it is important to ensure that your data is protected from unauthorized access or misuse by your provider. This can be achieved through including specific clauses within your contract such as confidentiality provisions or data protection policies which set out how your data will be stored, processed and shared with third parties. Your agreement should also include details about who has access to your data and what measures have been taken to protect it from unauthorized access or misuse. Additionally, you may wish to conduct background checks on your provider’s personnel who will have access to your data in order to ensure they have appropriate security clearances and training in data protection laws.

Q: How can I ensure my intellectual property will remain protected when using an outsourcing provider?

Asked by Ryan on September 21st 2022.
A: It is important to ensure that your intellectual property (such as trademarks, copyrights etc.) remains protected when using an outsourcing provider. This can be achieved through including specific clauses within your contract such as non-disclosure agreements or intellectual property transfer provisions which set out how intellectual property rights will be transferred from you (the owner) to your provider (the licensee). Your contract should also include details about who has access to your intellectual property and what measures have been taken to protect it from unauthorized use or misuse by third parties. Additionally, you may wish to conduct background checks on your provider’s personnel who will have access to your intellectual property in order ensure they have appropriate security clearances and training in intellectual property law.

Q: What steps can I take if my service provider fails to deliver promised services?

Asked by Joseph on July 23rd 2022.
A: If your service provider fails to deliver promised services then you should first review the original contract in detail in order understand any rights or remedies available under applicable law. You should then contact your provider directly in order explain why they have failed deliver promised services and discuss potential solutions for resolving this issue without resorting legal action; this could include extending deadlines for providing services or negotiating better terms for payment for example. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your provider then you may wish seek legal advice in order understand what options are available for enforcing any rights or remedies available under applicable law against them such as termination of the contract or seeking damages for breach of contract.

Example dispute

Suing a Company for Breach of Outsourcing Agreement

Templates available (free to use)

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